
RAM ROM card for the MTU backplane

Update: New corrected and enhanced version

For it to be minimally usable, I need memory for my KIM-1. So, I’ve designed what I believe to be the most flexible KIM-1 memory expansion available:

  • Switchable 0000-03FF systen RAM replacement
  • Switchable 0400-13FF RAM
  • Switchable system ROM replacement (needs a small modification to the MTU boards to disable the DECEN line if not used with my MTU buffered motherboard)
  • 4 selectable ROM sets
  • Enough room to place a ZIF socket for the ROM
  • Switchable 4K RAM/ROM areas from 2000 to FFFF
  • Configurable interrupt vectors to the top of any of the 4K chunks.
  • Max. 1 TTL load on the bus, so it will work nicely on unbuffered backplanes


Everything available at this GitHub repository

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